Friday, June 19, 2015

it's been awhile...

Aint Life Grand

It's been a minute.  Life has been crazy!  But when is it not?

The WBFF Denver is tomorrow!

This has been a tough prep.  Between travel, new relationships gained, friendships lost, and $400 worth of prepared food being ruined during a hotel stay...I'm looking forward to all this hard work paying off tomorrow!  It doesn't feel real, but it's certainly happening anyway!  


Competing with #teamfitchick this year has been a life changing experience for me.  The friendships that have been created are some that I hope will last a lifetime.  Training for a show is isolating, so I would highly recommend competing with a team for your first show, or any show for that matter.  It's your support system.  And it's worth is for the group text feed that occurs during peak week alone. 


Near and far, I've got an amazing support system.  So, special thanks to all my family and friends.  
I couldn't do this without you.